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The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak

Feb 24, 2022

Most people don't want to be viewed as that "salesy" salesperson.

And most people don't want to be subjected, as a buyer or prospect, to that person either.

Andy Paul, author of the new book, "Sell, Without Selling Out," is an expert in how to sell at the human level.

He shares the four Sell In pillars that are the...

Feb 18, 2022

If we react properly to what the prospect is trying to tell us, they will give us the exact words to use to help them buy.

And it is NOT pitching. It is recognizing "problem trigger" words and phrasing, and then prompting them to continue telling you more.

You'll hear examples of these words, and how to respond to...

Feb 11, 2022

The reality is that a lot of the math we go through in high school and college is never used by most people.

What IS used more often is sales math.

You'll hear examples of how to use numbers in your messaging to be more persuasive and help more people buy.