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The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak

May 20, 2022

Far too many people have the "I, I's," meaning they mostly talk about themselves and what they think.

That's not a good idea for life in general, and it is fatal for sales reps.

Art shares an example of how it happened to him, and what we should do to make our recommendations more sensory, and all about the listener, so...

May 13, 2022

In this episode Art reviews an opening from a sales pro who when through his Smart Calling training.

You'll hear the successful Smart Calling prospecting opening process and messaging, and how even good openings can be improved with a few words added or deleted.

May 5, 2022

As everyone in sales has experienced, lots of things have changed the past couple of years, and those things began changing even before Covid.

Selling the old way, in the new environment, does not work. And today’s guest, Colleen Francis, has pinpointed and summarized the new-way ideas and strategies for sales pros...