Jun 30, 2020
Ten years ago Art did a keynote presentation to an American Association of Inside Sales Professionals group. He called it "People 1.0" and wanted to illustrate the importance of the human connection in sales. To creatively show how, despite the technology available to us, we need to focus even more on the personal...
Jun 23, 2020
"Cold" calling is dumb and has little chance of success.
Doing Smart Call prospecting is proven to work to help you get through, get in, and selling to new buyers.
You'll hear examples of both, why the cold calls don't work, why the Smart Call does.
And you'll get the exact step-by-step process you can use right now to...
Jun 19, 2020
Most sales prospecting voice mails create resistance (like the one in the last episode.)
But, there is a right way to create and leave a voice mail that leaves the prospecting wondering what you have, and wanting to hear more.
And THAT is the goal for prospecting voice mails.
You'll hear what to say, along with examples...
Jun 12, 2020
You might not believe what you hear in this cold call voice mail.
The caller makes numerous mistakes in just a few seconds.
Art analyzes it, and shows what the caller could have done to make it a successful, Smart Call.
The same things you can do on your calls.
Jun 4, 2020
One of the biggest challenges in prospecting is actually getting through to and having a conversation with a buyer.
Sales trainer and consultant Lori Richardson has helped thousands of sales pros get through to buyers, and turn those prospects into customers.
In this episode she shares a number of...