Jan 30, 2020
A communication mistake many people make is assuming others know what we know.
This is especially dangerous in sales.
You'll hear how the airline gate agent thought Art asked a stupid question, but his perception was from his own world of aviation.
You'll also hear other mistakes to avoid, and what to do to be clear and...
Jan 27, 2020
Salespeople often leave a lot of money on the table because they are uncomfortable recommending a higher-priced option.
That's a huge mistake, as you'll hear with the example of the Best Buy sales rep that Art shares.
You'll hear mistakes to avoid, and what to do to easily increase your average order size.
Jan 23, 2020
Everyone would like the "Easy" button for most things. And like with most things, real success requires more than the easy route.
However, there are some simple steps we can take in sales to indeed avoid mistakes, and get some quick wins.
Hear a simple way to put together an interest-creating message you can use in...
Jan 20, 2020
There are many people who treat what they do as just a job. The highest earners are true professionals.
Like Leo, the limo driver.
Hear Art's experience with the ultimate in professionalism, from a driver his group had in Chicago.
And, you'll hear the common characteristics that all true sales PROfessionals have as well.
Jan 16, 2020
Most things that salespeople hear from prospects regarding price are not real objections. Just statements or comments. The danger is when the reps don't know how to respond, and end up giving away profits.
Here's an example of how the golf pro did this with Art, and sold his golf balls at a much higher price than they...