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The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak

Jul 17, 2024

When a sales rep is told, "Just be yourself" on calls, instead of being totally prepared, that is some of the worst advice ever.

Unless the rep is a skilled, knowledgeable, experienced, prepared person already, just being themself can result in disaster. Maybe you've been there.

Art breaks this down, and discusses what...

Jul 9, 2024

There is a difference between simple price comments, like, "Wow, that's more expensive than I thought," and real price objections, like, "We don't have that in the budget."

The problem for a lot of salespeople, is that at the first sound of a price comment, they begin dropping price. Unnecessarily.

You'll hear Art's...

Jul 1, 2024

Most sales training on objections contradicts how normal people think and speak. Because, it suggests you tell someone they are wrong.
And what is the result of that? The opposite of the intended result: they become more defensive. And it feels sleazy for the person saying it.
In this episode Art gives the...